Lost Creek Eros

Name:Lost Creek Eros (HR-5)
DOB/DOD:10/22/2000 to 06/16/2013

Test Results

TypeResultsTest DateTest #ExplanationPedigree
BAER Normal What does this result mean? 10/23/2000 N/A No Sire/Dam
PLL Normal What does this result mean? 09/17/2009 42092 No Sire/Dam
CERF/CAER Other 04/30/2012 N/A Traumatic cataract, spotty but complete areas of retinal degen poss second. to retinal detachment No Sire/Dam
SCA Normal What does this result mean? 02/19/2013 42092 No Sire/Dam
DM Normal What does this result mean? 11/04/2015 42092 No Sire/Dam
NNA Normal What does this result mean? 06/18/2019 42092 No Sire/Dam
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